Mindfulness Retreats, Talks & Events
Keep up to date with all the mindfulness talks and events taking place listed here. Be sure not to miss out!
Forthcoming Events
March 2014 - October 2014
Fri 26th - Sun 28th June 2014
Fri 07th - Sun 09th August 2014
Fri 24th - Sun 26th October 2014
Past Events
April 2014
November 2013
October 2013
September 2013
Cultivating physical, emotional and spiritual health and wellbeing
August 2013
Unlocking Creativity and Contentment II
July 2013
The Ultimate Self-Discovery Retreat I
June 2013
The Ultimate Self-Discovery Retreat II
May 2013
Unlocking Creativity and Contentment I
Self-Compassion I
Mindfulness and Self-discovery
April 2013
Cultivating physical, emotional and spiritual health and wellbeing
May 2012

Being diagnosed with a terminal illness such as Cancer or Diabetes has a fundamental impact on our psychology and emotions. The psychological and emotional response to being diagnosed with a terminal illness can range from mild anxiety to absolute panic, and everything in between.
Psychological & emotional states such as anger, fear, anxiety etc have a direct impact on our physiology, immune system and resilience to disease. For example, anxiety and fear will increase blood pressure, which if not controlled are likely to lead to complications for diabetes suffers.
This workshop will introduce Mindfulness-based approaches to help reduce psychological and emotional factors which are detrimental to the health of those with diabetes or cancer.

Recinto Ferial Sta. Juliana. Armilla. Granada - visit site >>

Conference Presentation: Mindfulness in Healthcare (The role of mindfulness in preventative medicine and treatment)
The spiraling Healthcare costs need urgent attention, especially in the current economic climate. Dav Panesar will be presenting "mindfulness in healthcare" as both a preventative measure as well as treatment.
The focus of the presentation will be based on the overwhelming evidence of the mind-body approach to disease prevention and health maintenance.
The conference will be delivered in both English and Spanish.

Recinto Ferial Sta. Juliana. Armilla. Granada - visit site >>

Conferencia: "Mindfullness Para Los Profesionales Sanitarios"
Mindfulness meditation has demonstrated itself to be invaluable in the treatment and prevention of a whole range of diseases and mental health disorders.
Dav Panesar will be introducing mindfulness and its use in treating depression, stress, anxiety and its application in other psychological and emotional disorders.
The talk will also include experiential session in cultivating mindfulness as well as "super emotions" such as compassion and self-compassion which are known to enhance immunity and resilience too.

Recinto Ferial Sta. Juliana. Armilla. Granada - visit site >>

This workshop is designed for those wishing to both learn about mindfulness and experience the cultivation of being mindful through personal guidance.
The workshop is suitable for those new of mindfulness meditation as well as those wishing to introduce mindfulness into their work, professional or personal life.
The conference will be delivered in both English and Spanish.

Recinto Ferial Sta. Juliana. Armilla. Granada - visit site >>
April 2012
Integrating practical spirituality and energy healing – learn how to survive and thrive in changing times
This weekend workshop in the peace of the beautiful countryside at Whaley Hall, offers the experience of living as a whole human being, free of the dramas of the daily grind and open to the infinite energy of the universe.
In this time of rapid change, we are invited to let go of everything that no longer serves life on this planet and find and nurture the eternal energy that flows through us all.
September 2011
We are proud to offer the first Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy delivered in Punjabi and Urdu to members of the South Asian Community in Birmingham.
Another unique element of this MBCT prgramme is thats it has been specifically designed to incorporate specific culturally relevant mindfulness practices found within the religious practice in Sikhi, Islam, Christianity and Hinduism.
Click here for Mindfulness Based Therapies and Transpersonal Psychology (MBTTP) >>
At Sant Miguel from 23, 24 and 25 September 2011, a three day workshop will be held focused on awakening the Presence within. We will cover depth meditation, transformation of the self image and emotional healing.
The days will comprising of inspiring interactive talks with planned meditation sessions, chi-kung, light kundalini yoga, nature walks and shamanic journeying.
The course will include preparation of sacred food to rejuvinate the prana of the body. It will conclude with a conscious intent for world peace by releasing sacred mantras into the atmosphere.
We hope you can all come and join in!
June 2011
MBCT is a programme developed by combining Mindfulness meditation with Cognitive Therapy for those people suffering from depression. MBCT was developed by Prof Willams, John Teasdale and Zindel Segal.
MBCT follows a similar programme developed by Jon Kabat Zinn's. Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme which has been found to be highly effective in enabling individuals to deal with stress, anxiety and chronic pain.
The programme is delivered over 8 weeks of 2 hour session. Participants are guided to develop awareness through practices which include Body Scan, Mindful eating, Breath-based meditation and simple Chi-Kung exercises. This enables the participant to become aware of their moment-to-moment changes in the mind,emotions and body, helping cultivate a healthier 'decentered' perspective to thoughts and feelings.
May 2011
MBCT is a programme developed by combining Mindfulness meditation with Cognitive Therapy for those people suffering from depression. MBCT was developed by Prof Willams, John Teasdale and Zindel Segal.
MBCT follows a similar programme developed by Jon Kabat Zinn's. Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme which has been found to be highly effective in enabling individuals to deal with stress, anxiety and chronic pain.
The programme is delivered over 8 weeks of 2 hour session. Participants are guided to develop awareness through practices which include Body Scan, Mindful eating, Breath-based meditation and simple Chi-Kung exercises. This enables the participant to become aware of their moment-to-moment changes in the mind,emotions and body, helping cultivate a healthier 'decentered' perspective to thoughts and feelings.
April 2011
At Sant Mighel from 28, 29 and 30 April 2011, a three day workshop will be held on Atam Gian with Mata Pillar. Atam means breath or soul and gian awareness and wisdom. This course on Sikh metaphysics and spirituality has proven to be very popular in the UK with some parts being televised.
We will cover depth meditation, transformation of the self image, grounding from Sikh martial arts and Karma yoga. The course will include sacred food to rejuvinate the prana of the body. It will conclude with a conscious intent for world peace by releasing sacred mantras into the atmosphere.
We hope you can all come and join in!
For further information please contact either Dav, Kamalroop, Angie Diaz, or Mata Pillar here.
Vaheguru Satnam!
'If you can't see God in you, you can't see God at all'
San Miguel, Spain
The Symran Program is designed to help you experience a deeper sense of peace, joy, clarity and discover your authentic sacred self.
This unique self-development programme consists of inspiring talks, experiential learning, workshops and discussions with the established teacher of Eastern wisdom traditions and mysticism, Dav Singh Panesar.
Lecture combined with guided instruction on Stress management with Mindfulness.
Empress State Building, West Kensington, London.
Workshops including talks and practical guidance meditation practices: Mindfulness Based Stress Management.
March 2011
The programme hosted by Dav Singh Panesar with guests from a wide range of backgrouds will endevours to explore a whole range of subjects including Gurmat Vichaar (Teachings of the Sikh Gurus) meditation, mindfulness, consciousness, mystictism, quantum physics in relation to consciousness and consciousness studies, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, transpersonal psychology, and much much more.
UK: Sky 847
Europe: 9/14/210, Astra 1A 5.1E, Frequency 12523 Sr 27500 Vertical (V)
Web: Watch live on: SangatTelevision.org
February 2011
The MBCT course has been developed to enable the gradual learning of mindfulness and its application in everyday life. The course takes place in 2 hourly sessions over a period of 8 weeks. The class consists of short talks, guided meditations, practice sessions and self-guided home work during the week.
The practices integrated with the course are to enable you to experience with moment-by-moment changes in our minds, emotions and body. These include learning breath based meditation, simple chi-gung and yoga exercise. The purpose of the practices are to enable the cultivation of a new 'decentred' perspective to ones thoughts and feelings.
MBCT is a remarkable, life affirming and sometimes challenging programme which requires an ongoing commitment to yourself (home assignments).
Dates for 2011 Winter Course (I) - ***Fully Booked***
Every Monday starting 21st Feb 2011 for eight (8) weekly sessions
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