Symran > Mindfulness Workshops > Mindfulness Consultancy

Mindfulness Consultancy

One to one teaching

Mindfulness techniques can provide you with immediate stress relief, which can have a positive lasting effect on your overall health.

Courses offered

  • Corporate Mindfulness
  • MBCT
  • MBSR
  • Introduction to Mindfulness

Programme content

  • Recognising and stepping out of automatic pilot
  • Identifying and dealing with barriers
  • Mindfulness of the breath & sound – Breathing space
  • Staying present
  • Acceptance, allowing learning to letting go
  • Thoughts are not facts
  • How best to take care of myself?
  • Using what has been learned to deal with future moods

Please contact Dav for an appointment for a non-obligatory consultation to help you make up your mind.

  • Typical duration of session: 40-60 minutes

For testimonials click here.

Mindful Therapy

Mindfulness is a modern word for ancient meditation traditions from Eastern wisdom traditions of Buddhism and Sikh(ism). It is a simple practice which help you deal with day to day psychological and or emotional difficulties by empowering you and giving you control of your own mind.

Our daily life presents us all with many opportunities but also challenges and difficulties, ranging in their spectrum, for example, extremely strong emotions when someone is anxious about being diagnosed with an illness, or losing one through death, or facing the stresses and strains of caring for a loved one who may be facing life-changing events right down to stress filled life due to work, children, health or relationship.

When faced with such challenges we may experience overwhelming emotions, being scared, panicked or incapacitated in some way. It is within such situations, that mindfulness practice will empower you to “see” your thoughts, recognise their importance in the emotions being generated and give you the opportunity to transform unhealthy states of mind and emotions, to more healthier calmer and tranquil.

The aim of mindfulness therapy is to help you learn to be aware of your thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations and transform these overwhelming, unproductive and potentially harmful psycho-emotional states into healthier ones and enabling better coping mechanism with day to day emotions and problems.

What may happen in a mindfulness session?

The sessions are designed to help you learn mindfulness through practical guided sessions and help you learn and apply mindfulness in your daily life. Breath, sensations, emotions and sounds are often used in facilitating mindfulness practice.

Mindfulness therapy is not about learning to change your one type of thoughts for another, but recognise and become aware of the content of your thoughts themselves, therefore addressing the root cause of our suffering, the unhelpful, often self-critical thoughts themselves.

Through mindfulness practice, ongoing support and self-empowerment, sessions may include sitting in awareness of difficult situation or difficult emotions for some length of time to help you become aware and familiar with its triggers, sensations and thoughts, allowing you to dissolve the emotional intensity and the need to “avoid, fight, freeze or fight” any difficult emotions.

The sessions are designed to empower you through self awareness, resulting in reduced stress, anxiety, fear and anger, yet an increase in general health and well being and most importantly giving you more control over your own mind enabling you to spend less time dealing with difficulties, which can be profoundly transformed or simply dissolve.